Bilingüismo en Menagar - English Time

Bilingualism in Menagar – English Time

In the 21st century, English stands out as the essential vehicular language to communicate with each other. For this reason, Menagar provides excellent linguistic immersion through the implementation of the most advanced educational methodologies. The method we use is TET, Total English Teaching, which presents all the English grammatical structures in real contexts that are meaningful to children, that is, as they would be presented to a child born into an English-speaking family.

Infant educators begin to work with babies on this second language through the auditory level, songs in English are an essential resource to work on auditory perception, creating an affective proximity to this language. It is also fundamental in this age group, as the melodies invite the little ones to rest.

The group of children from 1 to 2 years of age, in addition to the auditory level, exercises the gestural level, they are able to accompany the songs with gestures that correspond to the musical content.

The oldest children in the school, the 2 to 3-year-old group, have the repetition and learning level added to the previous two. At this stage they use more complex materials such as bits of intelligence, puppets, role playing, etc. which encourage the creation of daily routines that predispose them to acquiring knowledge of English in a clear and quick way.