Menagar - Escuela de padres

Parents’ school and red rabbit report

The sessions will be facilitated by an educator, a paediatrician or a psychologist and will be held throughout the schoolyear, each having a duration of an hour and a half. The meetings will be announced in advance so that you can register. It is aimed at parents of the school’s pupils, friends and relatives with children under three years of age, and the school’s teaching staff.

The “Red Rabbit Reports”, are newsletters sent by e-mail every two weeks. They deal with a variety of subjects in order to collaborate and help you with any doubts you may have about your children’s education, health and safety.

Some of the topics we will cover in these two formats include:

  • Guidelines for healthy behaviour, nutrition, “goodbye to nappies” and sleep.
  • Incorporation into the new school: the Spanish educational system, entering school for the first time, the educational offer, objectives in infant education from the age of three, etc.
  • Paediatric advice (gastroenteritis, bronchitis, chickenpox, nutrition, etc.).
  • Pedagogical advice (adaptation period, tantrums, sleeping without parents, etc.).
  • General advice (dangers in the home, development stages, etc.).
  • The language of children from 0 to 3 years of age.
  • Emotional intelligence in the family context: Understanding, loving, sharing, etc.


This activity is free of charge